
Friday, January 18, 2013

Why Dream Dictionaries are Useless

If you are interested in dreams, should you get a dream symbol dictionary? Nope!  Don't even bother with online dream dictionaries, unless you're really curious about them or are writing an article about dream dictionaries.  Here's why:

They're  Irrelevant for Modern Times

Symbol interpretations are based on traditional interpretations rather than what a symbol means to you.  For example, if you dream about a horse, many dream dictionaries define this as dreaming about prosperity and "pleasurable commingling with friends or fair women." 

First off, "pleasurable commingling" -- really, now?  If you're like me, you can't quickly make that connection between a horse and, well -- whatever that interpertation above meant.  Horses have a much different place in modern society than they were hundreds of years ago, when some of these traditional dream meanings began.

They Weren't Written By You

There is still a lot we don't know about dreams but we do know this -- your dreams are not made in a factory.  They are created by your brain.  There are as many dreams as there are dreamers.  This also means that how you interpert a symbol or event is going to be much different than anyone else.  Dream dictionaries are based on dreams from others -- NOT from you.

You are the only one who can figure out what a dream symbol means.  Generally, your first reaction is right.  For example, dreaming about a horse can be a sad expereince for me, since they represent ambitions far out of my reach.  (I've always wanted a horse, but I know I'll never be able to have one.)  For me, the connection between a horse and the sad meaning is obvious, but chances are you are left scratching your head as to how I came up with that interpertation.

In Conclusion

The bad news is that dream dictionaries are bogus.  You have to come up with your own dream symbol meanings, because they're your dreams coming out of your brain base don your own way of seeing the world.  The good news is that there's no wrong answer because it's all up to you.

Image of galloping horses from Wikimedia Commons.


  1. Hi!

    I dreamed that I was late getting somewhere important(which is common for me), but when I arrived, I shook hands with another woman. It didn't frighten me until I looked on an online dictionary which interpreted the meaning as a end to my earthly existence and a welcoming into heaven. There were other meanings surrounding ending as well.

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