
Sunday, January 13, 2013

National Geographic Video: Bed Bugs

Think you're alone when you sleep?  Think again.  Part of our species' fear of the dark and development of nightmares may come in part from parasites that feed on people as they sleep.

Bedbugs evolved right along with people.  They used to have wings but over the millenia lost these wings because they no longer needed to fly.  They are remarkable creatures but are incredibly hard to kill.  They're also really high up on the creepiness factor.  (They drink blood, come out at night and yet no movie franchise aimed at teenage girls will be made off of them.)  The good news is that their bites tend to be painless, although bites usually become itchy later on after you wake up.

Bedbugs (also spelled "bed bugs") have been in the news a lot lately because infestations are on the rise.  This is due to banning DDT (a dangerous pesticide which killed a lot more than bed bugs and other insect pests) and the rise in international travel.

Learn more about bed bugs in this short video from National Geographic Channel.  Sleep tight.

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