
Thursday, January 10, 2013

"The Everything Lucid Dreaming Book"; By Matthew R. Hathaway, DCH: A Review

It's getting really hard to find any new decent books on lucid dreaming or dreams in general.  Most books are either a rehash of Stephen LaBerge's books or are full of such New Age crap that even a die-hard New Age follower would blush and say, "Oh, come ON!"  It also includes a CD of various tunes to help you lucid dream (?) but I just can't be bothered to listen to it.  I've heard enough bad music in my life to dip into some more.  And I'm nnot even sure this is music.  The contents are vaguely described.  I also can't figure out how to remove the CD from the book without damaging the book, the CD or both.
Case in point -- The Everything Lucid Dreaming Book by Matthew R. Hathaway, DCH (Adams Media; 2012.) Now, right away, warning signals should be dinging away just by seeing the letters after the author's name.  Apparently the DCH stands for Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy.  Now, I've nothing against hypnotherapy, (which can be genuinely helpful) but this author buys into disproven concepts like past-life regression and OBEs (out of body experiences)  That greatly decreases his credibility.
I've had this book (a first edition) since February 2012 and still haven't been able to finish it.  It's that bad.  At first, it's quite good, giving a little history of the study of dreams and lucid dreaming.  But when it starts to talk about how to lucid dream it goes downhill fast.  Unfortunately, that's most of the rest of the book.
He also talks a good while about being grateful.  I can't honestly explain why.  I know I'd be grateful to get a book published, but I don't think that's the kind of gratitiude Hathaway had in mind.  I think it may be the "attitude of gratidute" nonsense that sounds nice but doesn't have any concrete meaning. I'll be grateful to find someone to buy this book off of me.

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