
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Preparing for Sleep

"One must set forth for the realm of dreams each night with a pure spirit."  -- Plato

The above quote from Plato shows just how seriously the ancient Greeks took sleep and dreaming.  Of course, Plato also was a Pythagorean and Pythagoreans refused to eat beans, which shows that Plato may not have known beans, but did know that sleep is a big deal.

Plato was probably talking about the propensity for worried people to have nightmares when he insisted on a "pure spirit" before going to sleep.  Now, I'm a domestic violence survivor.  My partner was a career alcoholic who certainly was not a "pure spirit" no matter how much spirit he imbibed.  He could rob, maim, lie and slept like a baby.

Me, on the other hand, never did.  I've had nightmares since the womb no matter how good I was.  Seems the more I want to be good, the less sleep I get.  My sleep has greatly improved since I was placed on Prozac (fluoxetine) but there are still times when I find it incredibly difficult to fall asleep.   Sleep experts such as the UK's Sleep Council recommend going through a nightly sleep ritual in order to sleep during the time you really need to sleep.

Now, I told you all that to tell you this:

Jonathan from Storylane asked me "What do you do before falling asleep?" I'm answering his question here on my blog, which gets imported to Storylane.  Well, that's the game plan.

My sleep ritual changes every few months.  It seems just changing the ritual acts as a placebo effect for my addled brain.  It works for a while until the effects wear off and then I do something else.  For example, I used to listen to music in order to fall asleep.  Now music keeps me awake.  When I worked night shift, I had too take over the counter sleeping pills to get to sleep.  By the time I quit working nights, I needed a small handful of pills to do the job.

This time last year I'd read for a few hours to wear myself out and then I'd sleep.  Now that's not working.  So now I go back and forth between reading and writing in order to get drowsy enough for sleep.  But that's not been working so well this past month.

Plato also wrote that Much sleep is not required by nature, either for our souls or bodies, or for the actions in which they are concerned.  Plato was an idiot.

Detail of Plato and Aristotle from "The School of Athens" by Raphael, ca 1509.  Wikimedia Commons

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