
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What the Heck is the Anti-Snoring Pillow?

If you don’t snore, chances are someone in your home does.  And snorers always seem to fall asleep first, don’t they?  If you and your doctor have determined that your snoring isn’t because of sleep apnea, severe obesity, illness or deformity, then you and anyone within earshot may be greatly helped with an anti snoring pillow.  They hit the problem at its source.  They are available in most health, drug stores and some big chain department stores. 

How Does It Work?

Snoring is caused by your airways becoming partially blocked.  Your body’s sleeping position can sometimes press on your air passages, causing a cacophony of noises.  The most common snoring posture is your chin dropping towards your chest.  This position, caused by normal muscle relaxation during sleep, can push your soft pallet to the back of your throat and cause snores.  The anti snoring pillow works as a cradle to keep your chin up, and your spine, head and neck aligned as you sleep.  This will help your body not choke itself as you sleep.

Anti snoring pillows come in a variety of brands, sizes, fillings and prices.  Shop around for the best price.  Mostly, they are hypoallergenic and only come in various shades of white.  Some even come with magnetic bits that claim to help any neck and spine pain.  Some look like regular pillows, and some look like pillows with the center scooped out.  They fit inside cases for “regular” pillows.

You can never EVER have too many pillows.  You never know when you’re having guests (whether snorers or not).  So, since pillows are something you need anyway, why not try a pillow that can help with home harmony as well as one that gives you a good night’s sleep.

Does It Really Work?

Well, you don’t know unless you try, do you.  Over 100,000 people have tried and claimed it significantly reduced or even eliminated their snoring.  It’s like any other kind of medicine.  Individual snorers will have individual reactions to it.
It is not an instant cure.  It can take some time to start to work.  Sometimes any change of your usual sleeping behavior can disturb your sleep until you get used to the new anti snoring pillow.   If you ever have trouble falling asleep on any other bed than your usual one, then you may need a few weeks for your subconscious to get used to the pillow.

Worse comes to worse, you can always use it for pillow fights with anyone who says you still snore.

Image from Wikimedia Commons

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