
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Never Argue with People in Your Dreams

One of the best things about lucid dreaming is interacting with the people in your dreams.  You can be truly yourself because you don't have to deal with these people on a regular basis.  But you can't get away with abusing dream people.  They come back to haunt you.  And if you dream about someone like my Dream Peter, you don't even want to argue with him.

For the most part, Dream Peter has been a huge positive in my life.  But he can also be a pain in the ass.  It's for this reason that I can't help but wonder if he's not entirely a part of my subconscious.  I mean, why would I purposely want to argue with myself during my very limited lucid dream time?  Well, we'll leave that question for another day.

In the dream, I was in England again, near where I used to live homeless near the banks of the Avon River.  I saw Peter walking down steps with a bicycle and he said unenthusiastically, "Oh, of COURSE you're here."  In real life, I had encountered Peter Gabriel and his friends biking from the nearest pub to where I was camped out.  They went so quickly by me and my dog that there was no way I could keep up.  Anyway, what could I say to him?  When you're homeless, the last person you want talking to you is your personal hero.

He allowed me to follow him as he biked along the canal paths.  I didn't have a bike (bastard!) but discovered that I could easily keep up with Dream Peter on foot since he kept encountering large obstacles in his path.  Every time he reached one of these obstacles, he would dismount, frown and carry the bike as he climbed over the obstacle.

I finally said, "Peter, why don't you just bike around the obstacles instead of going over them?"

The look he gave me would have curdled milk.  So I just shut up and wound up enjoying watching him needlessly struggle along the canal path. 

Which taught me that you should never argue with dream people.

I don't know if this dream was partially inspired by this video on YouTube, which I saw a couple of years after I became homed.  It was filmed in 1983 for Italian television.

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