
Monday, March 4, 2013

How to Stop Having Lucid Dreams

As a freelance web content writer, I get asked to write about the most bizarre topics.  A couple of years ago, I had a client ask for a how-to article on how to stop having lucid dreams.  I had to rub my eyes and read that one twice.  Usually, people want to START having lucid dreams, not stop having them.

But I did the article and it was accepted.  It hasn't made me much money in page views (where I get paid a fraction of a penny each time someone clicks on the article) but I was surprised that I made any money from it.  Perhaps there are lucid dreamers out there who would rather experience "normal" dreams. 

Basically, if you want to stop haing lucid dreams, you do the opposite of trying to have lucid dreams.  You move as soon as you wake up, you do not write your dreams down and you check to see if you are taking any medications or nutritional supplemements that are known to cause weird dreams.  My article goes into more detail.

Please click here if you want to read the article. Thanks!

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