
Friday, November 23, 2012

Problems with Taking Temazepan for Sleep

If you remember only one thing after reading this, it's this:  Never take anyone else's medications.  EVER.  Even if your Mother insists on it.

I get insomnia duirng my period.  I'm not alone.  This condition has a name -- menstrual insomnia.  Earlier this month, my Mom tried to be helpful by offering me one of her temazepans so I could get to sleep.  The generic name is temazepan, but it's also known by the brand names Restoril and Normison.  It's supposed to be used as a temporary relief of insomnia.  How temporary?  Under 10 days.

O, I slept, all right.  I slept for nearly three days straight.  I also crapped myself and it took hours (dare I think days) for me to even realize that I did -- that's how out of it I was.  Mom wasn't aware that I smelled any worse than usual.  After taking at least 30 milligrams of Tammys every week, I'm surprised if she could be aware of a F5 tornado.

How did Mom get temazepan ("tammys")?  In May, she underwent knee replacement surgery.  That's major surgery which causes major pain.  According to my Mom's surgeon, insomnia after a knee replacement surgery is a normal problem.  So he prescribed temazepan for Mom, in a 30 milligram size.  She's been taking a pill at least once a week.  She even had me refill the prescription.  I was wondering why she was falling asleep holding the newspaper open.  I didn't think the Philadelphia Inquirer had become that boring.

It wasn't until I finally woke up a week after taking the pill that anyone first taking tamezepan is supposed to only take a 7.5 milligram tablet until they see how badly they react to the medication.  And I took more than 3 times the recommended amount!  I'm lucky I didn't stop breathing, I was so stoned.  No wonder this drug is illegal in Thailand.

I've nothing against being stoned.  In fact, being stoned has several major advantages.  But being stoned sucks if you have to take care of an invalid parent and a bunch of pets.  You can also toss trying to earn a living right out the window.

The makers of temazepan doesn't seem to have a catchy slogan for the drug.  Here's a slogan:
Temazepan -- it'll FUCK you up! 

If they used that as a slogan, temazepan will probably soon be used as currency.  Meanwhile, I took the Tammys away from Mom.  I'll give her another week before she realizes that I did so.

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