
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Want to Lucid Dream? There's an App for That

I guess it was inevitable that an app would come out claiming to help people have lucid dreams.  DreamBeam uses a two-step approach to helping you have sweeter dreams:

Step One: Program a theme such as "jungle" or what you want to dream about.  There may be a short video for you to watch.

Step Two: Stick your iPhone under your pillow with the App on.  When it detects that you are in REM sleep, it plays the recorded theme so as to enter your subconscious and remind you that you are dreaming.

I don't have an iPhone or any smartphone so I have not been able to try this sucker out.  I'm just a tad bit dubious that an iPhone would ever detect brain waves or rapid eye movement.  Then again, I never thought people could play original music with a cell phone, but I digress. 

Have you ever tried to sleep with ANYTHING larger than a baby tooth under your pillow?  Come to think of it, I couldn't even manage that.  The tooth would cause an uncomfortable lump or would roll down into my pajamas.  I'd wind up sticking the tooth on a table (which, my Mom assured me, actually made it much easier for the Tooth Fairy to do her job.)  Considering how expensive an iPhone is, do you really want to risk placing the weight of your head on it?

Although I have not tried DreamBeam, Crazy Mike has.  Here is his review:

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