
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Doing Dumb Things in Lucid Dreams

In the wee hours of this morning, I had a lucid dream.  That's not unusual in and of itself, but I did something dumb in the course of that dream.  In the dream, I came across a very small pewter figurine of an Asian warrior and horse -- similar to the image on the left.  The rider could have been Mongolan, Chinese, Kazakhstani, Japanese or whatever but the horse was the sturdy, large-bellied, short-legged kind that wouldn't win any ribbons in a modern horse show but could run all damn day.
So, what was the dumb thing I did?   While fully lucid, I stuck the figurine into my dream pants pocket wondering if I would wake up with the exact same figurine when I woke up.  At the time, I was wearing sweatpants to bed that did have pockets.

Now, I knew full well that I was dreaming.  And yet I expected to take an object in the dream and somehow miraculously transport it into the physical realm.  At the time, it seemed logical.  Dreams do have their own peculiar logic about them, just as science-fiction books have their own logic.  But when you put down the book, you usually do not expect events from the book to suddenly materialize in front of you (not unless you were indulging in a  particularly nice hallucinogen.)

So, I don't know which was dumber -- sticking the dream figure into my pocket or checking my sweatpants pockets the next morning.  Of course, I did NOT find the little grey horse and rider figure, but I did find a wad of used tissue.

What dumb things have you done in lucid dreams?

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