
Sunday, December 11, 2011

10 Tips to Encourage Lucid Dreams

One: Don’t Compare Yourself With Others

It can be really discouraging to hear about all of the great lucid dreams from others.  But remember – they could be lying.  Anyway, it’s never too late to learn have your first lucid dream.

Two: Wake Up Earlier

Most dream cycles occur in the two or three hours before you wake up.  People best remember their dreams when they wake up from them – especially right before they have to wake up.  Set the alarm ahead for one or two hours to trigger a REM cycle.  Skip this step if you have insomnia.

Three: Take a Nap

You can’t dream if you don’t sleep.  Power naps or a brief afternoon nap of 30 minutes is enough time to fall asleep and dream.  Napping any longer can make you feel exhausted.  Evidence indicates a nap can also help in waking life skills like concentration and memory.

Four: Keep a Dream Journal

This can help you recognize patterns in your dreams.  For example, my nightmares often involve working in retail.  Now that I no longer work in retail, I know that if I’m stacking shelves or ringing up a customer, I’m dreaming.

Five: Regularly Test Reality

This ties in to #4.  Get in the habit of checking to see if you are awake by turning a small appliance on or off, checking your watch to see if it’s moving normally or checking for the appearance of people who you know are dead.  Many dreamers report that watches move or blur and that electrical switches do not work.  For me, I’m unable to turn off a television – even if I unplug it.

Six: Skip the Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages and recreational drugs that put you to sleep will put you in such as deep sleep that you have difficulty in waking up and even more difficulty remembering your dreams.

Seven:  Play More Video Games

According to a 2006 article in Dreaming, “Video Game Play and Lucid Dreams,” gamers have more frequent lucid dreams.  The theory is that gaming helps people raise their self esteem as well as powers of concentration.

Eight: Read More About Lucid Dreaming

No, seriously – try it.  People tend to dream about things that they know something.  By immersing your consciousness with information about lucid dreams, eventually some will sink into your subconscious.

Nine: Imagine That You’re Dreaming

This technique is recommended not only by me, but by the Lucidity Institute.  It’s the same idea that athletes use before a competition – they imagine themselves winning.  By imagining it, we help to relax our fears that it won’t happen.  A good time to fantasize about lucid dreams is when you go to bed.

Ten: Use an External Device to Tell Your Body That You’re Dreaming

There are devices that let your subconscious know you are dreaming through a soft light or sound.  Some people use a vibrating alarm.  Some people have their insomniac lovers whisper “you’re dreaming” whenever their eyes move under their lids. This has worked for many people but I’ve yet to try it (and my ex-lovers always slept like rocks.) 

Image of two dogs sleeping by Rena Sherwood. The dogs are mine -- Hugo and Pony.

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