
About This Blog

Thanks for checking out Dreaming of Peter.  Here we talk about sleep, sleep problems, dreams, nightmares, lucid dreams and the adventures experienced in dreams.  I also talk about better sleep tips and what lucid dreams are not about.  I also review books,  videos and other products about sleep and dreams.  I also showcase the best of the web's information about sleep and dreams.

Being an atheist, I can't help but notice that a lot of lucid dreaming information is tied up in magical thinking, the occult or spirituality.  This drives me nuts.  It's hard enough for dream studies to be taken seriously of they are always cloaked in religious or superstitious drivel.  Dreaming of Peter will separate facts from fiction about dreams.

Why is this blog called Dreaming of Peter?  Three reasons:

  1. I'm a Peter Gabriel fan
  2. The best dreams I've ever had are lucid dreams with Peter
  3. Dreaming of Peter had yet to be claimed.
Sweet dreams.

Image of a magnifying glass by Heptagon for Wikimedia Commons.